Link here:
Posted here 2013-12-27.

Selected Tweets 2013 @legenet
by Leif Erlingsson and others
2013-12-27 and earlier in the same year

(Tweets From This Timeline.)
(Tweets som lite grand sammanfattar naturliga/riktiga människors strategiska läge.)

Egna och andras Tweets från 2013,
detta är ett gemensamt verk av många.
Samtliga finns samlade i arkivet (2994 tweets, c:a 8 MB), varifrån författare av enskilda texter kan sökas.  Ibland har jag nedan rättat stavfel och skrivit ut förkortningar, så om inte fritextsökning på en hel rad fungerar i arkivet, sök istället på en del av raden.  Undvik även att fritextsöka på länkar eftersom jag nedan har fyllt i de fullständiga länkar man får efter att man öppnat dem, snarare än de kortlänkar som finns i Tweetsen.

Leif Erlingsson:
Aliens kallades förr änglar och demoner. Vatikanen har alltid haft koll iallafall på den senare kategorin.

Leif Erlingsson:
Sanningsindustrin körs om av individualister. Dr. Judy Woods brottsplatsutredning får växande uppmärksamhet.

Leif Erlingsson:
Maktens trötta gamla vallhundar älskar husses censur.

Leif Erlingsson:
Känns som det är dags: Holographic Disclosure

Leif Erlingsson:
Självljugandet som gör människor lättlurade snart passé.

Leif Erlingsson:
Sourze valde Jante. Tog bort inlägg av Jante Frihetsmänniska 2013-05-16 10:50

Leif Erlingsson:
När SVT och SR likt Greklands motsvarighet ERT "stängs för att spara pengar", då vet vi att SVT och SR har blivit Public Service på riktigt.

Leif Erlingsson:
Jämför folkresningen i Egypten med svenska nyhetsförfalskarmedias rapportering. Extremt nyhetsförtryck säger: Den atlantiska pakten är slut.

Leif Erlingsson:
Har teve berättat för dig om historiens största massdemonstration någonsin

Leif Erlingsson:
9/11, en våldtäkt på människans medvetande och hennes framtid?

"Om vi inte tror på yttrandefrihet för människor vi föraktar, tror vi inte på det alls." ~ Noam Chomsky

Leif Erlingsson:
Gör som Alabama, lagstifta mot Agenda 21. "Agenda 21 is the master plan to destroy personal property rights[...]"

Leif Erlingsson:
Haha - Dagena Arena beklagar sig över att grindvakteriet/invallningen/gatekeepingen fallerar...

Leif Erlingsson:
Det är de som städar bort otillåtna fakta och åsikter så "demokratin" kan styras enligt behag.

Only took 2000 years since the last time someone from the church beat up the money changers

Leif Erlingsson:
Vad händer i ett samhälle där alla plötsligt börjar se klart? Där nånstans börjar den sociala revolutionen.

Leif Erlingsson:
Avsiktlig icke-nyfikenhet är en moralisk brist.

Leif Erlingsson:
Istället för att attackera kunskapen
så attackeras "att bry sig".

Om ingen bryr sig, då spelar sanningen ingen roll.

Bo C. Herlin:
Det farligaste vi kan göra mot
staten/regeringen/eliten/etc är att dissa dem
och skapa ett eget rum utan dem.

Leif Erlingsson:
2nd Opinion 2013-08-01: Vill Reinfeldt stoppa en "Arabisk vår" i Sverige? "det är oroande att det skapats [...]"

Leif Erlingsson:
"[...] informations och kunskapsklyftor mellan dem som följer traditionell nyhetsrapportering och dem som hittar nyheter på nätet"

Leif Erlingsson:
I ett Tweet 4 jan. "knöt jag ihop säcken" av en del av mina egna funderingar de senaste åren:

Leif Erlingsson:
Det enda som funkar i längden: Stöd det du gillar oavsett vem som säger det, och kritisera det du ogillar oavsett vem som säger det.

Leif Erlingsson:
Ger ett genomförljuget offentligt samtal: Lojaliteskorruption.

Leif Erlingsson:
Jag brukar själv argumentera för att vi behöver högre CO2 halt för att få bättre utbyte av våra jordbruk.

Leif Erlingsson:
Riktigt intressant, CO2 ökar ju när värmen går upp, så detta kan vara reglermekanismen.

Leif Erlingsson:
Koncensusrörelser ger mig lite obehagliga krypningar, speciellt som det finns välgjord oberoende utredning

Leif Erlingsson:
Dr. Judy Woods brottsplatsundersökning får definitivt inte nämnas positivt av några "konsensus människor".

Leif Erlingsson:
Utelämnande av avgörande information såsom elektromagnetiska effekter flera kvarter bort, disintegration av motorblock osv.

Leif Erlingsson:
Bevis för kallsmältning av metall som är kall fast den avger ljus - mäter man värme, kall, mäter man strålning "" varm "".

Leif Erlingsson:
[B]ara man varudeklarerar [koncensus] som av underrättelsevärlden godkända versioner; Gordon Duff/Pete Santilli

Leif Erlingsson:
Gordon Duff kopplar ihop [9-11] med kemsprejningen fast anser att allmänheten inte förtjänar sanningen. Kan förstås vara Psy-OP ^ 2.

Leif Erlingsson:
Transhumanism, materialism, man into a machine. ("Scientists Are Convinced Mind Transfer Is the Key to Immortality.")

Roger Sahlström:
Förr hade vi arvsynden som höll folket på plats. Numera har vi rasism. Där Expo tagit över kyrkans makt och nu delar ut synd och domar

Leif Erlingsson:
Priest Kings maliciously introduced Money as a tool of enslavement, 1:24:20 into . Watch all, super interesting.

Leif Erlingsson:
By The guy who created The Ubuntu Liberation Movement; "Annunaki And Ancient Hidden Technology" - MUST WATCH!

Roger Sahlström:
Varför är det ingen debatt kring att Expo och andra organisationer kartlägger och registrerar oliktänkare?

CIA invented "conspiracy theory" in 1967->

Glenn Greenwald:
Dwight Eisenhower, 1961: grave danger academia is becoming servant of US militarism

Roland X:
Efter nazisternas försök att utrota judarna så sade världen aldrig mer. Men just nu håller de kristna i Mellanöstern på att utrotas.

Leif Erlingsson:
Du har här identifierat mänsklighetens absolut viktigaste hinder; vi lyssnar inte på det sagda utan på VEM SOM SÄGER DET.

Leif Erlingsson:
Inte för att jag argumenterar för rasism, men hur kommer det sig att rasism är OK i Israel men inte i Sverige?

Jessica Presits:
Denna eviga "vi-viker-oss-för-mobbarna"-mentaliteten. Den gör mig TOKIG.

Leif Erlingsson:
"Thoughts are electric Emotions are magnetic" So wrap your thoughts around your feelings & attract the reality you want manifest

Leif Erlingsson:
A reminder: "Eugenics - Evidence of the Invasive Alien Mind" by Zen Gardner (Thanks to David Icke for the reminder.)

Libertarian Nation:
"The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom - they are the pillars of society." - Henrik Ibsen (1877)

There are two reasons why people don't talk about something. Either it doesn't mean anything, or it means everything.

Ardavan Khoshnood:
"Den politiska korrektheten och mediafascismen i det här landet, lär bli samhällets död." Precis.

Judd Legum:
Can I burn down your house? No Just the 2nd floor? No Garage? No Let's talk about what I can burn down. No YOU AREN'T COMPROMISING!

Leif Erlingsson:
Interestingly, all form of ideology in effect creates secondary psychopaths, who will not listen to other points of view.

Leif Erlingsson:
Så "surfar" man ovanpå alla agendor, fastnar inte i dem. Man plockar "russin" men kör inte ner sig i spåren.

Leif Erlingsson:
Den ursinniga stigmatiseringen av de som tar upp problemen tyder på avsikt att behålla och förstärka motsättningar.

Great Silence:
Modern toleration is really a tyranny. It is a tyranny because it is a silence. G. K. Chesterton

Leif Erlingsson:
Apocalypse Programming and "Knowing" the End of the World (Thanks, David Icke @davidicke , for the link.)

Leif Erlingsson:
New Age is a different kind of trap. People are there aware but trapped into inaction. Old trap is you are not even aware.

Leif Erlingsson:
Go with the Flow from Higher Self or wherever it comes from. It works. What doesn't is to "think" this process forward.

Leif Erlingsson:
"but we have to live the example we want the world to be like." And that's what's so difficult. ;)

Leif Erlingsson:
Max Igan om social programmering, respekt & integritet & hur rasfrågan dras igång som distraktion fr. VIKTIGA frågor:

Leif Erlingsson:
Ja, det är snart inte många som klarar att hålla uppe skygglapparna. Det mesta mottjafset har iallafall tystnat sedan något år.

Leif Erlingsson:
Varför skolfysik inte förklarar 11 september

Leif Erlingsson:
There is a war on you. But I guess you finally have noticed?

Leif Erlingsson:
Jag undrar hur stor andel svenskar som tror att USAs president är högsta hönset? Och hur många som fattar att makten jobbar i skuggorna?

Leif Erlingsson:
I can't help but wonder at the special kind of madness involved >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> in setting up oneself as the greatest enemy to mankind once the diversion tactics fail. Do they WANT to be annihilated?

Jesse Ventura Calls For "American Revolution" Against The "Corrupt System created by Dems & GOP"

Leif Erlingsson:
Seems the World is becoming a Concentration Camp, if the Zionist (/Zst press) controlled countries get their way.

Charles Edward Frith:
The Zads aren't getting their own way all the time. AIPAC wanted US to smash Syria but something happened.

Leif Erlingsson:
I have been thinking "Hunger Games" myself lately. It seems what "they" have in mind for us, killing nature &Co.

Charles Edward Frith:
People who say we'll never know all about 9/11 or JFK are just lazy, work-shy, idle, weak, spineless defeatists. We know enough. Get to work

Charles Edward Frith:
In George Orwell's 1984, they had Emmanuel Goldstein as their Bin Laden.

Leif Erlingsson:
"It's easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled." Very true. It's a famous quote:

If materialists had any common sense, they would defer judgement about the nature of reality until consciousness is better understood.

Leif Erlingsson:
[T]hey lost control. Wasn't planned that the Brotherhood be dethroned before completely destroying Egypt.

Ventura Grassroots:
"In 1963 a Coup' took place in America, when JFK was killed. People just don't want to believe it in modern America!" - Gov Jesse Ventura

DJ Rubiconski:
STOP assuming that people who dont agree with American foreign policy and its Capitalist driven imperialism are terrorists!

Phoenix Trilogy:
Whistleblower James Casbolt : Top Secret Genetic Enhancement & Mind Control Program:

Rene Ruprecht:
You don't need eyes to see... You need vision! And when you have it ... There is an ugly beast roaming our paradise!

Leif Erlingsson:
Hur är det då inte för de som på nätet berättar om avsiktlig befolkningsreducering (kemsprejning, vacciner etc), om Bankbus/krig etc?

Leif Erlingsson:
"Island är friast i världen", från "Ny rapport: Friheten på internet inskränks allt mer"

Leif Erlingsson:
"Egyptisk nationalism förenar folk och religioner mot islamism." - Det skadar inte med lite stolthet över vem man är.

Leif Erlingsson:
Små, små steg, och rätt vad det är så utrotar ["godhetsapostlarna"/"antirasisterna"] sina meningsmotståndare rent fysiskt, av ren godhet!

Boon Companion:
Atrocities occur in once civilized societies when individual rights are usurped by collective rights.

Corporations collective rights infringe upon my individual rights.

Anonymous @OpNWO:
Know your enemies. "Permit me to issue the money of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws."

Leif Erlingsson:
"They" have hidden so many tools from you. Re-Discover the Tools & Create A Most Radiant Future! As in Tesla Radiant Energy...

Charles Edward Frith:
John Lash - Shattering The Zionist Entity Matrix:

Leif Erlingsson:
People have specifically been trained not to think about the future, about possibilities. "That's Childish!" On Purpose!

Leif Erlingsson:
But the wise knows to listen to those who channel from The Source of true creativity.

Kamala Katthjärta:
Det är inte demokrati att skrämma och muta så många människor som möjligt till tystnad, foglighet och kamratuppfostran av oliktänkande

Leif Erlingsson:
Reason: 'mapmakers baseline of history' (sometimes called The Mystery Of Babylon) and the 'secret of Wu Tui'.

Leif Erlingsson:
The 'mapmakers baseline' is a simple timeline of the centers of information on the planet.

Leif Erlingsson:
Camel caravan routes was superseeded by sea routes, and post fall of Tyre, Jerusalem became the new center.

Leif Erlingsson:
This network's time is over, it's just a short matter of time. But that's why they are against all progress.

Leif Erlingsson:
Don't fight their branches. Seven new will grow out. Cut off the Roots. Centers of information on the planet.

Leif Erlingsson:
'Secret of Wu Tui' is, if 'The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend', what is the most exquisite secret that could be proposed?

Leif Erlingsson:
Create new ones. Peer to peer, person to person is one. NSA their countermeasure here. DNA Internet? Telepathy?

Leif Erlingsson:
Chemtrails and Microwave blocking transmissions their countermeasure. But it's only a matter of time. Tick-tack.

Charles Edward Frith:
Israeli Security Chief and Holocaust survivor compares Israel to Nazi Germany

Leif Erlingsson:
Very true. Zionism can indeed be seen as Jewish National Socialism

Charles Edward Frith:
Eustace Mullins - How The World Really Works (No notes and no teleprompter for two hours) - YouTube

Henny A.J. Kreeft:
Israel's Likud hopes to complete the ethnic cleansing of Jaffa

Leif Erlingsson:
This belief system tends to make Zionists of many LDS/Mormons. And as per my direct experience.

The Learned Elder:
There is nothing more dangerous than personal initiative. If backed by genius, it can do more damage than can be done by millions. P#5

Leif Erlingsson:
Very True. True creativity our strength. + Irrespective of the doc's origins, someone is following the scripts.

Charles Edward Frith:
Michael Tsarion - Origins & Oracles - Part One: I'm only a few hours into this but these tend...

Leif Erlingsson:
The crazies (demonically possessed?) will trash the Earth, unless stopped. They want to "vent" the atmosphere. MAD!

Leif Erlingsson:
We need MORE CO2. Important for food grain and all manner of plant growth. No Hunger Games!!!

Leif Erlingsson:
Revolutionära fronten låter som en vänster-fascistisk organisation. Varför kallas de Anti-fascister?!

Leif Erlingsson:
It had support "from the highest places". Authoritarianism = Belief in authority prevented Natural Persons from stopping >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> this, 'cause it was expected that "authority" should fix it. WAKE UP

"Media does everything they can to break artists, break creatives, break peoples' spirits, and I do everything I can to break media." -Kanye

Leif Erlingsson:
Vi måste fatta att pengar saknar egenvärde. Värde har värde; arbete, råvaror. Skapa pengar efter behov!

Leif Erlingsson:
Helt sjukt att fenomenet arbetslöshet ens existerar. BEVISAR att vårt värdesystem är INVERTERAT. Arbetskraft=välstånd! Använd!

Every single person on the planet has a story. Don't judge people before you truly know them. The truth might surprise you.

They say, "Demons are attracted to humans", I see the ones they are attracted to left brained & bottom-line pragmatists denying "negativity"

Swed'borg said if we could see the hells that pursue us we'd be permanently terrified. We all host demons. We choose too.

Leif Erlingsson:
Informationscenter skapar makt. "DNA Internet"  fullständigt decentraliserar dessa. T.o.m. viktigare än Fri Energi.

Leif Erlingsson:
Allt som kopplar upp oss till Källan till all kreativitet, och utan blockering till varandra, sägs vara "barnsligt".

Leif Erlingsson:
Det kan inte vara en slump att barn särskilt sedan skolåldern så ofta är elaka istället för att släppa fram varandras skaparkraft.

Leif Erlingsson:
Uppmuntra till uppöppnande av våra människa till människa kommunikationskanaler! Upphör blockera tvärkanalerna!

Leif Erlingsson:
Vi har värde. Pengar har inget värde. Uppmuntra människor, inte inverterad ekonomi. Skapa pengar efter behov, om de alls ska anv.

Leif Erlingsson:
Att programmera medvetanden är den uråldriga tekniken att styra verkligheten. Religioner och ideologier är här byggklossar.

Leif Erlingsson:
Använd vårt eget medvetande för att för att öppna upp ny verklighet. Strunta i auktoriteterna. Skapa!

Leif Erlingsson:
Jeffrey A Friedberg: "The only way to make sense of peoples' actions on the world stage, >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> is that some are ordered into line; while some are targeted, locked, blocked, and knocked:: minimized."

Leif Erlingsson:
Police has for years been subjected to new radio equipment that make many sick. Could be intended to block their humanity...

Leif Erlingsson:
När jag följer nyhetsflödet från USA verkar det som dagens USA är betydligt osäkrare för alla än Nazityskland strax före andra världskriget.

This is a really Important #document - done by Swedish Civil Society - about War Crimes of NATO/Sweden in Libya

Leif Erlingsson:
The interesting result was that we were told that we as Swedes have no stake in what Sweden does... [and] total media blockage

Leif Erlingsson:
STOP listen 2 Big Brother. Listen 2 REAL PEOPLE . Ignore "Mockingbirds"

The Swedish Civil Society was the only one in the European Union to legally try to charge their Representatives with War Crimes in Libya

Thanks a lot for Swedish ppl action, had an important role and will be more important

in the future. I mean, was the only European civilian voice 2 break the silence in face of Libya Infamy. & was very well documented

The Propaganda Campaign by media was to big and shameful. In 21st century lost the profession of Journalist and gained

the profession of Parrots of political agendas. Must be the citizens to act.

Leif Erlingsson:
Yes, the 21st century lost the profession of Journalist and gained the one of Mockingbirds

Leif Erlingsson:
Dissent will be outlawed. So DISSENT NOW. Later we'll have to use Telepathy. Not joking. They try to block it.

Leif Erlingsson:
Alas, except 4 a small informed minority, Swedes accept the Mocking of the Parrots & Mock the informed as "Tin-Foil".

Leif Erlingsson:
Vänstern har ju blockerat all äkta samhällsdebatt jag vet inte hur länge. Är de CIAs papegojor?...

Leif Erlingsson:
Yes, the Jews are the patsies. I figured that one out almost six years ago. (In this swedish blog: .)

Charles Edward Frith:
I've been researching this all week and I'm now convinced. Hitler was Rothschild financed and Jewish - Telegraph

Charles Edward Frith:
Observe closely when CNN, MSNBC and FOX agree. There's your real owners agenda.

Phoenix Trilogy:
First of all, we need to ditch the term 'Government' - Government = Mind Control (literally):

Leif Erlingsson:
2008-02-24 I figured out that the Zionists are patsies. Israel was created so it could become a sacrifice. Jews get out!

Leif Erlingsson:
"The network of global corporate control"

Xmas Bee Oh Xmas Bee:
Why do kids spend so much time on their phones instead of interacting with their horribly repressive local communities?

Charles Edward Frith:
All 6 Former Israeli Security Chiefs Slam Occupation of Palestine

Leif Erlingsson:
Borders are drawn with and by Rulers (double meaning). I Am Free, in Mind at least. That's First. Manifest 2:nd. I'm a Human.

Brokely Carmichael:
[J]ust keep speaking truth, don't pay attention to those who hate and don't understand. The moon doesn't howl back at wolf.

Leif Erlingsson:
We are all Palestinians. Even the Jews. They Do Not Care About Us At All, as George Carlin puts it

Janie Johnson:
Could we please stop calling these "reporters" "journalists"- they are the Palace Guard!

Charles Edward Frith:
British spooks are the most protected in any democracy of the Western World because they have the grubbiest secrets

Charles Edward Frith:
The only hashtag I use from time to time is #TPP. TransPacific Partnership. A corporate trojan horse. Click the blue and find out a little.

Charles Edward Frith:
Most terrorists work for the security services.

Charles Edward Frith:
MI5 arranged an IRA weapons buying trip to America.  Does that even register with people or does it whoosh overhead?

När USA, Israel, EU och @carlbildt störtat Assad lär Syrien bli en minst lika fridfull plats som Libyen?

DJ Rubiconski:
They're labeling them "al-Qaeda" This is how we know they are on our side (USA).

Charles Edward Frith:
You can tell the corporate media is scared of being unmasked. They have a million different views but on 9/11? It's unanimous. No questions

Leif Erlingsson:
The Parrots of Praetorian Guard #Mediastan #Mediatan "Mockingbirds" >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> are afraid we'll start focus on the real factual value of the message, rather than on the "status" of the messenger.

Leif Erlingsson:
No use just re-iterating what is. Think of The Future, Visualize Solutions. Radiant Energy pickup, Creating money perceived needed, etc

"A MUST READ" by Gordon Duff : How Syria Unlocked America's Dark Closet

A short quote from the above link (this quote was never Tweeted)::

If inspectors are demanding access to rebel areas to assess chemical weapon stockpiles two things are obvious.

  • They believe rebels control chemical weapons
  • They feel that only military action by Assad led forces can secure Syria from further attacks

Leif Erlingsson:
"inspectors are demanding access to rebel areas [...] They feel that only military action by Assad led forces can secure Syria"

Leif Erlingsson:
"Chemical weapon inspectors overseeing the destruction [...] can't help but note [...] stockpiles have not been touched for years."

Charles Edward Frith:
If you don't agree with bombing Palestinian children it's probably because you're anti-semitic.

NATO should be held Responsible for all the Chaos in Libya - Expert

Leif Erlingsson:
Yeah, like we tried to hold our gov. resp: . We were told it's none of our business. So who owns Sweden?

Charles Edward Frith:
Joseph Goebbels' nickname at school was 'Rabbi' because of his Jewish lineage

Leif Erlingsson:
Jews, Reject ZioNazism! Zionism = Jewish National Socialism

Deaep Leicester:
'Only Israel benefits from Syria war'

Irk Hudson:
2 girls aged 15, 11 ordered by court to have MMR jab. They don't want it. Their mother doesn't want it.

Roland Mollbrandt:
Tack, programmet visar utförligt och detaljerat hur lobbyisterna, inte bara köper, utan ÄGER den politiska makten!

We all try to answer the question: "Who am I?" When you learn that the answer is inside you, the true journey begins.

Some people are just so deep into the Abyss that they pull you in when they start calling you from such a distance

Leif Erlingsson:
Solutions & Attacks "on the Supply Lines" has been known for a very long time. But the discourse is all distraction

Leif Erlingsson:
Max Igan on social programming, respect, integrity & how race issue is used as distraction:

Ingrid Carlqvist:
Vad skönt för Expo att de kan fortsätta sitt Stasi-arbete ...

DO NOT FORGET @DoYouCareAbout:
Folk are as strong as the truth they desire or as weak as the lies they choose to believe

Leif Erlingsson:
Solutions: Investigate Nicola Tesla's research on "Radiant Energy" pp. 23-37 +

Leif Erlingsson:
Our "Supply Lines" are under attack: Intelligence Agencies control Scientific Establishment, that control "What Is Real Science".

Leif Erlingsson:
Politicians are NOT ALLOWED by the laws that have been enacted to go against this created false "consensus". ALL ARE CONTROLLED.

Leif Erlingsson:
People Controlled Science! DO IT YOURSELF, because no-one else is damn well gonna do it for you! DO YOUR SCIENCE! Ignore "Experts"

Leif Erlingsson:
One reason you have to do your own science is that Intelligence Agencies promulgate & support zillions of con-artists in the field.

Leif Erlingsson:
It's the only "Safe" Mode to operate in this field, due to the extreme attacks "on The Supply Lines". Study war tactics...

Leif Erlingsson:
Look through The Expert Bluff, Already!

Leif Erlingsson:
Think of The Future, Visualize Solutions. Radiant Energy pickup, Create Wealth using available willing workers.

The writing I believe says: '1932-1933 years, the Ukraine artificial famine created by Moscow-Bolshevik...

Janie Johnson:
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. --Winston Churchill

Janie Johnson:
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves.

Foreign Affairs:
To succeed in today's globalized world, cities need their own foreign policies:

Leif Erlingsson:
Gilad Atzmon: "Jews Are Not a Race But Jewish Identity is Racist" . I like him. Have met.

Leif Erlingsson:
Seems a global theme used against populations to create conflict between locals and refugees.

Leif Erlingsson:
Earth Is Bountiful, if we use our intelligence & knowledge & don't listen to idiots. "Don't show up for war". Stay @ home!

Leif Erlingsson:
But then some people make trouble everywhere. Like the Bolsheviks. Terrorists!

Blacklisted News:
New Iranian Government Scraps Ahmadinejad's "Anti-Zionism" Conference's_%22Anti-Zionism%22_Conference/29534/0/38/38/Y/M.html

Leif Erlingsson:
Now that the Iranians don't do this important job anymore, let's hope the Jews take care of it. It's after all their mess.

Leif Erlingsson:
Police no longer even pretend to care about the law. They know they are thugs for the protection racket, called Governments.

Religion is the only thing that keeps us from killing the "ownership class" (the elite)

Leif Erlingsson:
Belief in authority, in Experts, in ideology are also forms of religion.

Those who are bathed in ignorance see the rest of us as the ignorant ones. They choose not challenge their own beliefs

Republicans offered to give Obama 99% of what he demands in order to end the shutdown. He and Harry Reid said no. Who's being unreasonable?

A short note not from the Teweets:  What Obama couldn't remove from the law was legislation ripping away all human rights from the people.

Ali Abunimah:
When Jews (rightly) recover a piece of looted art it's lauded as a victory. But Palestinians wanting their homes & land back? "Extremism"!

Leif Erlingsson:
"The Public Will Believe Anything So Long As It Is Not Founded On Truth" - Edith Sitwell

Leif Erlingsson:
It seems it was Obamas job to take down the US. I think this was planned long ago. But what will come instead?

Leif Erlingsson:
I just call them The Brotherhood. Created by Zionists. Part of a whole, in turn used by higher-ups for manipulating world events.

Leif Erlingsson:
"everyone knows the axiom 'divide and conquer' yet few realise its appl" - Because ppl taught to repeat, not think

Leif Erlingsson:
The problem with "Though Crime" is, how can THEY know what I really was thinking? It's THEIR thoughts that I will be judged for!

John Blackwillow:
I think, therefore I am. The truest expression of free thought. The popular view is,'Isn't it somebody's job to think?

Leif Erlingsson:
Yes, it seems it's in the Left that the Real Hate lies. It's THEIR hate they project unto others.

Leif Erlingsson:
"Work alone can create new work; money cannot create work. Work alone can create values, values with which to reward those..."

Leif Erlingsson:
""The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not"."

Leif Erlingsson:
"Those who will not are being removed,"

Leif Erlingsson:
"Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals."

The Mad Jewess:
Bolshevik 'Jews" have been screwing Israelis FOREVER!!! And, imo, they are just the worst 'humans'

Leif Erlingsson:
Vaccine is just one of many attacks against humanity. We need to stop believe in authority. Become our own Authority.

libdem backup:
FREE BARRETT BROWN #FreeBB #FreeBarrettBrown POLITICAL PRISONER charged FOR POSTING A LINK!!! sentence could be 105 years!!! FREE HIM NOW!!

katarina broman:
Public service tror att SD ska försvinna bara för att man vägrar att nämna dom. Stackars fåntrattar.

Leif Erlingsson:
Tyvärr är även SD kontrollerad opposition. Sverige är långt, långt inne "i dimman".

"The PM of the State of Israel being viewed as the worlds most influential Jew is historic vindication of the miracle of Zionism" -Netanyahu

alien from saturn:
The mother and daughters forced to have the MMR should go straight to the Russian embassy and ask for political asylum

Leif Erlingsson:
Connection with the Irish; "Michael Tsarion" "DNA of King Tut" . Related?:

Leif Erlingsson:
"Fabians believed in gradual nationalization of the economy through manipulation of the democratic process." Change...

DJ Rubiconski:
ATTN: Million Veterans March: Obama is NOT a "commie" socialist! He's a faithful slave of the jew vampire-squid banksters just like YOU!

Leif Erlingsson:
Though the case can be made that Socialism is a Zionist creation. Lasse Wilhelmson:

Leif Erlingsson:
Or if it's the other way around. Moses Hess was one of Germany's earliest renowned Socialists.

Leif Erlingsson:
He is considered by Zionists as the first Zionist.

Leif Erlingsson:
Why have a limited "Auschwitz", when you can have the whole world as a concentration camp, eh?

Grytulf Vankelhane:
Hörde några kulturknuttar på P1 prata om problemet med "vita". Om man bytt "vita" mot "judar" kunde dom likaväl haft Goebbels i studion.

Leif Erlingsson:
Only real 9-11 crime scene investigation! The Physical Evidence: The Psy-Op:

Leif Erlingsson:
"Everything what you see now is the new world processing the old world" - Precisely.

This is called retardation of society

It becomes time that the Divine Left Brain is
All the right brained people seem steerless
and lost
Scared in the dark

Björn Hassel:
Antifascistisk hälsn från Sverige: "..Där har rasism växt för människor som har massa privilegier vill ha mer"

Leif Erlingsson:
De fattar uppenbarligen NOLL. Pressar in en för dem obegriplig värld genom sina egna projektioner. Helt förlorade.

Björn Hassel:
indeed! allt skall igenom det fascistiska o rasistiska rastret

Swedish Wacko Bird:
Ted Cruz Exposes Amnesty Bill: $5000 Penalty for Hiring Citizens Over Legalized Aliens

Always trust your intuition, the universe is guiding you towards your destiny.

A Muslim. A socialist and a communist walk into a bar. The bartender says hello Mr. President

Libertarian Nation:
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." -Josef V. Stalin

Ingrid Carlqvist:
Journalister är helt oförmögna att se vad förföljelsen av kristna beror på: ISLAM!

Leif Erlingsson:
Om du lägger till "Fundamentalistisk" före. Islam skapades av mellanösterns kristna för att slippa påvemakten. Inte fel.

Leif Erlingsson:
Moderat Islam är inte "värre" än annan religion.

Leif Erlingsson:
Gilad Atzmon is critical of Jewish Identity politics and Jewish ideology. As am I, not only of Jewish. Ideologists don't like this.

Leif Erlingsson:
Divide and conquer can only be overcome with respect for self AND OTHERS. But others must also show respect. Glocalism!

Leif Erlingsson:
Shlomo Sand's The Invention of the Jewish People is very interesting. + see

Leif Erlingsson:
"Left Right is a weapon of Mass Distraction" . Indeed it is. As is the race issue.

Leif Erlingsson:
Max Igan on social programming, respect, integrity & how the race issue is used as distraction:

I am the "useless humanity" that is targeted for elimination.

Leif Erlingsson:
Think of The Future, Visualize Solutions. Radiant Energy pickup, Create Wealth using available willing workers. War & every means stop this.

Leif Erlingsson:
Work alone can create values. This was Hitlers miracle. Retaliation: Made the symbol of Evil. Understand All Out False Flags.

Leif Erlingsson:
George Carlin: "They Do Not Care About Us At All" . We're marked for extermination.

Leif Erlingsson:
Solutions: Investigate Nicola Tesla's research on "Radiant Energy" pp. 23-37 + Practical usage

Leif Erlingsson:
Our "Supply Lines" are under attack: Intelligence Agencies control Scientific Establishment, that control "What Is Real Science".

Leif Erlingsson:
Politicians are NOT ALLOWED by the laws that have been enacted to go against this created false "consensus". ALL ARE CONTROLLED.

Leif Erlingsson:
Solutions & Attacks "on the Supply Lines" has been known for a very long time. Sadly, the discourse is all distraction.

Leif Erlingsson:
People Controlled Science! DO IT YOURSELF, because no-one else is damn well gonna do it for you! DO YOUR SCIENCE! Ignore "Experts".

Leif Erlingsson:
One reason you have to do your own science is that Intelligence Agencies promulgate & support zillions of con-artists in the field.

Leif Erlingsson:
Left / Right / Race and all manner of Fundamentalism is all planted as distractions. So We Will Fight Each-other. THEY don't care.

Leif Erlingsson:
Making "the enemy" - that is us - fight himself is the perfect strategy. And we are still falling for it. WAKE THE F**K UP!

Leif Erlingsson:
Recipe For Becoming "Evil" In The Eyes Of Almost All Beholders: Speak Three Or More Real Truths. Why?: Most People Strongly Believe Lies.

Katherine Da Silva: Had u seen this Leif Erlingsson sent it to me..

Leif Erlingsson:
Note Implication: Free Energy Demonstrated ON A MASS SCALE. This has really pissed insiders off

Leif Erlingsson:
"Bypassing pentateuchian thinking": . Bypass the criminal network! Catch "the ether wind"!

Leif Erlingsson:
"The natural Manifesto", written in 1943 by my grandfather who by then had talked with people all over the planet

Leif Erlingsson:
"The current worldview is footed on the Communist Manifesto or the materialistic Manifesto in all its variations."

Leif Erlingsson:
@LauraKrohn1985 "we are keepers of the flame" - So Lovely. Humble Thanks. "we are free-spirited & can't be tamed"

Leif Erlingsson:
The last 5000 years, we've been under hierarchical authoritarian control, antithetical to the freedom required for The Age of Knowledge.

Leif Erlingsson:
The Age of Knowledge is coming.

Leif Erlingsson:
It is Fundamentalism that falls, NOT Reformism. Reformism doesn't fall due to them seeking inner truth beyond outer forms.

Leif Erlingsson:
When dealing with dishonest people, You have to document, document, document, 'cause they constantly lie, twist & manipulate

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William Casey, Ex-CIA Director

Leif Erlingsson:
@isis4matraya Strange. "You have been blocked from following this account at the request of the user." ??? Best, Leif Erlingsson

Comment:  Her page is typical New Age.  Probably one of my general tweets mentioning New Age offended.  Maybe it was "New Age is a different kind of trap. People are there aware but trapped into inaction. Old trap is you are not even aware."  Who knows.

Leif Erlingsson:
Gordon Duff, rumored ties with DIA, want's to "keep the usual political/racial/religious infighting going"...

Leif Erlingsson:
DIA = Defense Intelligence Agency. Also remember, "the last card is the alien card."

Leif Erlingsson:
Hur kan staten ha en skuld, när de själva enligt regeringsformen är de enda som får skapa pengar? Bara förekomsten av skatt >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> visar på att det ändå inte är staten som skapar pengar. Kort sagt, att det pågår en olaglig verksamhet.

Leif Erlingsson:
Borde vara på motsvarande sätt i andra länder.

Leif Erlingsson:
Yesterday: "It becomes time that the Divine Left Brain is initiated."

Leif Erlingsson:
Yesterday: "All the right brained people seem steerless and lost Scared in the dark."

Leif Erlingsson:
New Age Bullshit And The Suppression Of The Sacred Masculine

Leif Erlingsson:
Yesterday I got a new follower who then immediately unfollowed & blocked me, and I hadn't contacted her at all. Got me thinking.

Leif Erlingsson:
In Sweden some "feminists" are awful at priding themselves on "Refusing to take the debate". I think men are usually more balanced

Leif Erlingsson:
Not to make it a gender issue, most females are better balanced as well. All have Masculine/Feminine energies.

Andrew Wilson:
Note to self: exercising influence wisely is more important than exercising influence widely.

Jon Rappoport:
Who will narrate space and time in the future?

Leif Erlingsson:
Job of Elite anchor: To know and not know, at a moment's notice, that he is acting. Lower his IQ, believe the lies.

Leif Erlingsson:
To emanate news from a sealed universe, with one highly structured hole for IN and one for OUT.

Leif Erlingsson:
To go up against this other universe we all know about and access, which has at least 500 million holes for in and out.

Leif Erlingsson:
He is going up against our capacity to invent Something from Nothing.

Janie Johnson:
When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear." Thomas Sowell

Alliansen 2014

Leif Erlingsson:
Sw. Prime minister candidate supp. by Think Tank Timbro, FRA (think NSA), TV4, State Media, Sw. Conservative party, NSA, FBI, >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> AIPAC, UD, Expo EU, IMF, CNN, Lockheed Martin, BAE-systems, Bofors Defence, IDF, Swedbank [...] Monsanto. "Hurray".

Whatever Became Of Western Civilization? -- Paul Craig Roberts -

Leif Erlingsson:
I get the feeling it's a long planned takedown. Social cohesion intentionally subverted to have tools for future attacks.

Google Censoring Search Results Damaging to the U.S-Information Empire -

Leif Erlingsson:
Article says if "Russia provide programmers and security, China and India provide resources", etc, the Internet may be saved.

Leif Erlingsson:
Om du är välbekant med maktens brott, då har du per deras definition inte rent mjöl i påsen. Någon berättar något för dig...

Leif Erlingsson:
Ancient Technology And The Ubuntu Movement

Leif Erlingsson:
Maximal intelligens uppstår ju närmare kaospunkten du kan gå utan att dras ned. >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> För medvetande är samma sak som självobservation eller självreferens och uppträder i gränsen mellan ordning och kaos. >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> Detta då medvetande är ett fältfenomen som kopplar in sig just genom kaosfenomen i återkopplingsinstabilitet. Se vidare... >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> #13 11-02-04 14:56, #23 12-08-15 17:59, #1976 13-02-15 18:32 >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> Därför, ju närmare kaoset du kan gå utan att bli tokig, ju intelligentare blir du. Rent fysiskt förklarat. Hälsar holistiska det.

Leif Erlingsson:
Ang. medvetandekopplingen, läs om "Microtubule" i slutet av "Is DNA the Next Internet?" .

Leif Erlingsson:
Hela drevet beror på människor som är stolta över att inte lyssna på vad andra säger utan kritiserar andra för egna fantasier(!).

Leif Erlingsson:
Jon Rappoport asked, Who will narrate space and time in the future?  Perhaps the Holistic Detectives?:)

Flower of Light:
You are energy, you are love, you are light. Connect back to the universe to consciously love people with your heart. Spend it wisely

"I'll CONTINUE to use the 'Jew word' to expose Jewry's hypocrisy & evil & thus oppose the Jews at their own wicked game" - Brother Nathanael

Charles Edward Frith:
Apart from funding Nazism, Zionism and Communism. Here's why Rothschild central banking is a really bad idea

Durden, Tyler:
which is why #Hitler defied them and resolved Germany's economic crisis within 4yrs of coming to power..?

"If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed." - Mark Twain

Dial 9/11 @MxJ7:
Bitcoin relies on the Internet right? And the Internet is secure & cannot be shut down right? DID I MISS SOMETHING?

The Mad Jewess:
I look @ websites around the globe. Americans need 2 understand that a worldwide conspiracy 2 enforce Communism is not inclusive to us only.

LOL! I know that! Remember, those screaming "Conspiracy Theorist" & "Anti-Semite" really mean, "Oh shit! They're on to us"

Leif Erlingsson:
Har i dag Twittrat mest på svenska - inga RT eller gilla, och i kväll på engelska, massor RT och gilla. Hur tolka det?

Leif Erlingsson:
Ibland undrar jag om de som twittrar på engelska och de som gör det på svenska bor på olika planeter.

Leif Erlingsson:
"This is the real world, where a trail of cold, dead bodies exist from Benghazi to Boston, New York City to Baghdad."

The Mad Jewess:
If you cave even a little inch into 'political correctness' (#COMMUNISM) you lose.

Mikael Rosencrantz:
Säger du sanningen blir folk sura... =P

Ron Hughes:
'Disappearing Palestine' ads in Vancouver provoke vicious and hysterical response

Leif Erlingsson:
This is interesting b/c it touches on what gives claim to land. 2000 yr ago history? 100 yr ago? During lifetime? 20 yr?

The beginning is near.

Leif Erlingsson:
Enligt författaren John L Allen, aktuell med "The global war on Christians", riktas nu 80 procent av all religiös diskriminering mot kristna

Leif Erlingsson:
De förföljs i 139 länder. Tiotusentals kristna dödas varje år.

Leif Erlingsson:
I think we all have pieces of the multi-D-pic & need to take in as many perspectives we can in order to intuit multi-D-pic.

The plot holes in what passes for reality are just embarrassing.

Dragon = often root chakra based being 1. Power 2. Sex energy 3. Magic

A Good Dragon is able to handle the Power

A Bad Dragon falls for lust and divide & conquer games

Leif Erlingsson:
We all work on the Awakening From The 3D Dream Project.

Leif Erlingsson:
Going towards seeing in more dimensions, more perspectives, more sides, not black/white, them vs. us, beyond hate.

Leif Erlingsson:
Awaken in the Dream

Leif Erlingsson:
I now think the point isnt for others to understand but what our own understanding does to the consciousness/unified field

Leif Erlingsson:
Others often punish us for their thoughts. Not for our own thoughts, but for theirs. Are we all islands? Not if we connect!

Leif Erlingsson:
Their Reacting To Their Thoughts (Eventually) Awaken Them. Us Reacting To Our Thoughts Not Being Understood Awaken Us.

Leif Erlingsson:
För vänstern är "yttrandefrihet" bara ett svepskäl för att få makt. Bolsjevikerna ville också ha det, tills de mördat motståndet

Phoenix Trilogy:
Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda

Yes friend its why those of us in the "know" call it "All-CIA-Duh"

Also, now that you know this, you see that 9-11 was truly an inside job. All-CIA-Duh is owned by Zionists.

Mossad, Saudi Arabia are the channels through which the US-ZOG funds and directs them. Bin Laden was an asset.

May I also add that the "Muslim Brotherhood" is another CIA / Mossad group.

Federal Whistleblower @stewwebb was trying to tell the world about the #Mossad run & owned #NSA WAY before Edward Snowden leaked anything.

Federal Whistleblower @stewwebb was telling everyone about the Death Ray & Energy Beam weapons that took down the Towers on 911 a decade ago

How about Judy Wood's "Dustification" theory? Controlled Demolition was definitely part of it but aided by NorthStar satellite

Whereas I've seen the squibs and bombs go off during the collapse, I've also seen the antennas turn to dust in mid fall

Ventura Grassroots:
I'll say it again, if everyone pulls their money out of the BIG Banks, we could ruin the Banksters Overnight! No money= No Power!

Wow (via link to longer Tweets)::
Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Jews {Jew Being A Misnomer} Zionist Khazars Being More Accurate.

Leif Erlingsson:
A friend of mine says that the truth is antisemitic.

Leif Erlingsson:
...which is why, I suppose, there is a war on truth going on.

When they charge you with that, it's just because you're speaking the truth.

Ventura Grassroots:
This country was founded on freedom of religion & no more taxes, now both are gone, along with our Constitution and Bill of Rights!

The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.

Martin Hume:
AGENDA 21: Think Globally, Enslave Locally -- A Q&A With Thrive Creator, Foster Gamble | Thrive

Leif Erlingsson:
Reason for War on Truth, truth create new centers of information on the planet -- 'mapmakers baseline of history'

Leif Erlingsson:
As stated, the truth is "antisemitic". But the real issue is control. "Antisemitism" labels are just ammo!

Leif Erlingsson:
The real issue is the liberation of humanity. Liberation from pentateuchian thinking

Leif Erlingsson:
The Age of Knowledge is coming!

Leif Erlingsson:
Courts & governments are however "owned" by the banksters. Which is why The Age of Knowledge REQUIRE obsoleting the Money Masters.

Leif Erlingsson:
Recently in Sweden a man was convicted for hate crime for the term "bankjudar" = bank jews. (I.e. Rothschild central banking.)

Leif Erlingsson:
The banksters own the courts and the governments. Governments are brainwashing and "herd management" institutions.

Leif Erlingsson:
High Time to bring up the subject of Mind Control . Al Bielek discuss synchronizing brain halves to be untouchable.

Leif Erlingsson:
"The money system is the head of the snake. Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will whither and die"

Leif Erlingsson:
The Media Editors of Swedish State Television is called "programkontrollen". Literally translates to "The Program Control".

Leif Erlingsson:
Any questions?

Leif Erlingsson:
The ZERO CO2 goal will, if achieved, probably ZERO OUT HUMANITY as agriculture NEEDS CO2. The more the better. (We need more, not less CO2.)

Leif Erlingsson:
Electing a new people expected to be less questioning of the leaders and therefore more unthinkingly loyal.

Charles Edward Frith:
Nazis, Torsion Fields, Alchemy & CERN Time Travel

Leif Erlingsson:
I think the Charge Field theory of Miles Williams Mathis with it's stacked spins makes the physics perfectly understandable.

Leif Erlingsson:
Governments are brainwashing & herd manag. inst. of "The network of global corporate control"

Leif Erlingsson:
The Money Masters nominates themselves for Nobel Price. "Throw them out of the Temple" Must read:

Big Sean:
Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.

Leif Erlingsson:
This 93 yr old technology achieve faster than light communication using longitudinal waves

Grytulf Vankelhane:
SVT Aktuellt pixlar terrorister som på film avrättar helt oskyldiga kvinnor och barn. Offren är dock inte pixlade. Lojaliteten är tydlig.

L e e s a:
The future is only scary because we think we have no control over it. We create our futures. Right here. Right now.

Most of the al qaeda & muslim killings r a result of the Illuminati, their subliminal messages, mkultra & predictive programming, blame NWO

Leif Erlingsson:
Your intention makes difference, intention = Love then "you get away with" actually saying the truth. Thou will be attacked.

Leif Erlingsson:
Will be attacked by those who don't have total truth as goal but some more limited agenda.

Kim Dotcom:
If we lie to the government, it's a crime. If they lie to us its politics.

The reason @BarackObama is removing powerful Admirals from his Command is because he fears a military coup is being planned against him.

It's not that @BarackObama is being paranoid, he's actually correct to assume this. There's a 60/40 loyalty split in the Military Complex.

It's no secret that @BarackObama wants to be a Hitler type dictator, the difference is, Adolf's people actually loved him. Not so much here.

Leif Erlingsson:
David Cole mention how a german judge would't allow Dr. Franciszek Piper to testify for David Irving.

Leif Erlingsson:
If allowed to testify, had Dr. Piper testified truthfully, he would have commited a crime. So how should he have testified?

Leif Erlingsson:
Dr. Franciszek Piper is or was the Senior Curator and archives director of the Auschwitz State Musueum.

We have 535 brainwashed and blackmailed yes-men on Capitol Hill. You think they're impervious to #NSA datamining, wiretapping & spying?

Yes Obamabots, the Birth Certificate IS a 9 layered digital forgery. Evidence of this has been brought to Congressional attention already.

Phoenix Trilogy:
Tough question: Sick & dying trees are to be replaced by GMO trees. Are WE going to be replaced by GMO humans?

Phoenix Trilogy:
SHADE the Motion Picture:

Leif Erlingsson:
Is-Ra-El. Isis/"IS", Amen-Ra/"RA", Saturncult El/"EL". El = Saturn as you Phoenix Trilogy later point out.

If our woundedness remains hidden, it cannot be healed; the best in us cannot come out unless the worst comes out as well.

Love @OldHippieSoul:
There is no difference between living as yourself and living as the universe. Be authentic and show the world your perfect unique universe!

"There is No Economy on a Dead Planet!"

Phoenix Trilogy:
United Nations/NWO plan to Depopulate the Earth.:

Leif Erlingsson:
"Scientists Discovered Message from God in Human DNA Code!" And already the religionists wanna fight

Paulina Forslund:
I love my race, people and heritage. I will fight to preserve it until the day I die!

Leif Erlingsson:
Maybe the spiritual teaching is not to turn to outside authority, but to rediscover who we really are?

Leif Erlingsson:
Working "Lonely, Together". Each using ones own strength, for total respect & openness.

Leif Erlingsson:
Truth is of course more and more criminalized. Because it's our best weapon.

Leif Erlingsson:
Hierarchical conc. of power in bodies like cong., sen., make us vulnerable to coercion against a few links.

Leif Erlingsson:
The whole concept that peoples needs stand against each other is flawed. In truth we have common interest.

Did you know that God is an Atheist?

God has always existed and always will exist; saying nothing created him because he is God. Boom. God's an Atheist.

And people actually believe all the horrible things that occur in the revelations chapter is part of God's plan? (It's the governments plan)

Religion turns you into a mentally/emotionally-unstable being. After I abandon religion, my vibe has become unfuckwittable.

"But if you aren't saved, you'll go to hell!" Well if you're content with being in heaven knowing people are burning, you're a sick fuck.

But God exists. It's you, it's me, it's the trees, it's the ocean, it's the grass, it's fucking everything! amazing, right?

"This world is not run by rules & laws, but signs & symbols." - Confucius

Thomas Paine: To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Margaret Khan:
Only criminals can bring in the NEW WORLD ORDER. Because they have to kill innocent people, men, women & children without caring for decency

Saudi Arabia & Israel are apoplectic w anger that US didn't obliterate Assad regime as promised. Can't bare thought Iran might escape also.

the Wahhabis are not dissimilar to the zionists

Gore Vidal:
The mass media is owned by delusional billionaires who espouse the fetish of money, it then works to infect us with their sick values.

Margaret Khan:
CIA is based on Nazi paperclips. This is three generations later but the training is there. They have terrorized the globe since WWII

Margaret Khan:
Don't look at evil. Keep it hidden so the stinking Nazis can do their dirt in the dark

Margaret Khan:
The Government hates competition. Now that govt has totally gone criminal they are also running the street gang & have your data from NSA

Margaret Khan:
The criminals know they have to crash PONZI scheme but as soon as they do the American people will be on to them. So they want POLICE STATE

Rene Ruprecht:
Make sure YOU don't become the idea you are fighting- your consciousness is far to narrow and fragile and are easily highjacked by deception

Charles Edward Frith:
Aren't the police an organised crime syndicate at the highest levels protecting VIP paedophiles and illegal rackets?

Phoenix Trilogy:
They've been spraying us regularly since 1996. That's 17 years. Is it in fact their spraying that's causing the climate change?

Leif Erlingsson:
I Wish He Wasn't killed. William Cooper is important, his message is!

Leif Erlingsson:
[William Cooper had] been in Naval Intelligence and was giving out Secret Government inside intel. for the greater good.

Phoenix Trilogy:
'Chemtrails are the medium - directed energy is the method.' Also connects to those orb things?

Phoenix Trilogy:
I was unable to even entertain the Ancient Aliens theory, until I watched this: Quest for the Lost civilization :

Leif Erlingsson:
Every time the term "Regime" is used, you know they're talking about their enemy. Reprogram yourself! :)

The Irish Banking Revolution- YES!!!!!!:

L e e s a:
Your ego will never be able to protect you when you are faced with the truth. It will always fail.

Inner peace occurs when you stop trying to control every little thing, and just go with the flow of the universe ~

Feels like God's are fighting each other

Leif Erlingsson:
It's High Time to EXPOSE the Priest Kings. The super corrupt criminals who control our reality.

Leif Erlingsson:
It's high time for collective intelligence to replace pentateuchian thinking.

Leif Erlingsson:
"Actually not many people wake up to the multiverse outside Heaven and if they do, they become God" (Briefly Tweeted + deleted 2013-10-20.)

Leif Erlingsson:
SHADE 1h 20m 51s in: : Oligarchs Hate Technology >> Zero Growth World. Too Few Hats? - Cut off heads! >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> Prometheus had Stolen Fire from the Gods, made available to Plebeians, that now Challenge The Gods/Oligarchs. (Cmp. Inanna myth)

we are the keepers of the flame we cannot be tamed connected to source pure and true we give it striate and don't play games

we walk side by side the angels of the light the indigos, crystals , star seeds in the light with love and light we spread across the land

reaching out lending a helping hand to awaken those who are asleep to fade the illusion we run very deep


Leif Erlingsson:
In Viking Country, which probably have more original myths even than the Mesopotamian, Inanna corresponds to Freja, Enki to Inge.

Leif Erlingsson:
Innana/Freja was rightly disgusted with her half brother ENLIL/Yahweh for making a Nuclear desert of Sinai. He's a psyco.

Leif Erlingsson:
The Bible is a Psy-Op, not too difficult with ENLIL/YHWH's knowledge. But it's history is fake.

Leif Erlingsson:
YHWHblessISRAEL ("ProIsrael, ProYHWH&SonYeshua") unfollowed @legenet tonight. No surprise. We don't share fundamentalist beliefs.

Leif Erlingsson:
Or should I say, we don't share Cosmic War Lord allegiances?

Leif Erlingsson:
Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. Israel seems to be on that path. Another ENLIL Nuclear desert of Sinai?

Leif Erlingsson:
As AMW told me, It's not a matter of controlling it, but daring to ride it. From Inanna To the Internet and beyond

Leif Erlingsson:
YHWHblessISRAEL says: "Ur [...] worshipping lucifer and dabbling w/demonic."

Leif Erlingsson:
Who is this Lucifer, according to you, and who are these demons, according to you?

Leif Erlingsson:
As for this YHWH, he seems to be a 'company man'. Limits diversity, creativity and thinking. Likes trade secrets.

Leif Erlingsson:
And why the coverup of the Old Testament when obviously physical truth happened elsewhere?

Leif Erlingsson:
And what's up w. YHWH followers hating NT Jesus? (Reportedly said "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them")

Leif Erlingsson:
I think the globalists are afraid the Viking spirit will awaken, so they try outlaw it.

Leif Erlingsson:
"When Enlil/Yahweh/"God" tells you the lie, then the Rabbi liars say "Amen"." (Section "Story" of .)

Leif Erlingsson:
There seems to be a big coverup about the impotence of YHWH and who really created "the Adam model". No wonder he's jealous.

Leif Erlingsson:
Michael Tellinger most brilliant 15 minutes: . About Enki & the origins of humanity.

Ingrid Carlqvist:
LEDARE: Svensk forskare backar från sin egen studie - av rädsla för feminister

Leif Erlingsson:
Fundamentalism in general, political also, is from hell.

Leif Erlingsson:
According to God's e-book , Yahweh was/is a name used by several members of an Orion/Reptilian invader family >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> [ANU and his sons, ENLIL and ENKI]. And Satan was/is also a name used by ENKI and ENLIL.

Leif Erlingsson:
But Lucifer don't seem to be of Orion/Reptilian invader family. Maybe that's why humanity's oppressors hate NT Jesus.

Anonymous @OccupyTheMob:
If you are not on a Government Watchlist by now you should be ashamed of yourself.

This is why it is hard to remove the parasite from the host body.. because too many good people are "believers" of the lies.

"The vampire is a good analogy of how the psychopath works..they have no reflection & steal yours & you invite them into your life"

real reason for government is that even though this non-existent entity takes our "abuse" & "scorn" it is to hide sins of the collective

Never talk to the police. By a Law Professor

Tage Erlanders hemlighet - de svenska lägren

[W]ithout ego, you cannot perform your shadow work. You use it to understand your shadow self.

It is truly amazing how much of an impact we all have on this experience called life. We all make a ripple to add to the pond.

Leif Erlingsson:
No longer is "Time Travel" just a supposed conspiracy theory, but a reality!

Leif you tapped into #Enki living library of Truth your Article also assisted must of tapped into some threads & strands Good day !

Leif Erlingsson:
Abt. who are these demons? Gnostics has Archons. YHWH said to be one. But all doesn't seem to be controlling. >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> Christians has Angels. Remote Viewers has Transcendentals. Jim Marrs "Alien Agenda" p 564: >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> "Many feel that the aliens of energy and light, called the Transcendentals by the remote viewers, >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> are here to witness--and perhaps help--our shift to new realities." >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> Ari calls them Ultra-terrestrials, in Service to Prime Creator, work with Host of Light.

Leif Erlingsson:
Jim Marrs "Alien Agenda" p 483: "A third group involved energy beings--termed "Transcendentals" by some of >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> the remote viewers. Although energy beings with only the "idea" of form, these shapeless, phantomlike >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> entities appeared able to manifest themselves in any way, shape, or form. They exist in other dimensions >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> and therefore outside our time." Many pastors are calling them demonic or the Fallen, Negative ETs. >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> Personally, I think the Ashtar Command and the sheeple controlling pastors are the ones working for YHWH/Enlil.

Leif Erlingsson:
Not to speak of the collectivist agenda, totally control vibes a' la' YHWE/Enlil. By their fruits ye shall know.

Leif Erlingsson:
The mainstream time travel guys don't quite dare think outside Space-Time. Work thru the charge field manifesting reality, and >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> there is literally nothing that can't be done to this projection or manifestation we call "reality", or some call "Matterium".

Rene Ruprecht:
[I]t's my clear conviction that think in a conventional sense is the lowest possible way of thinking about any problem!

Leif Erlingsson:
Check out ancient sound/stone technology, listen to Michael Tellinger (he with Ubuntu / Contributionism)

Leif Erlingsson:
Things like "The Stone Age" take on a whole different kind of meaning, don't you think... :)

Leif Erlingsson:
It's my experience that all who express themselves authentically have perspectives of whole. It's my responsibility to listen well enough.

Leif Erlingsson:
Generosity, sharing, contributionism is the absolute antithesis of pentateuchian thinking with it's trade secrets, patents & copyrights. >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> Which is why sharing of e.g. homegrown food is more & more forbidden. Heard that Monsanto agents can raid homes in New Zealand >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> to verify that the produce is not illegally given away! >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> ** UNDERSTAND THE ROOT ORIGIN OF THIS THINKING ** It's origin is Pentateuchian/Torah thinking. >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> Control vibes a' la' YHWE/Enlil. Thinking that's doomed to go under, Self Destruct Mechanism. By their fruits ye shall know them.

Leif Erlingsson:
The Holistic Detective Agency Explains Why things are. It doesn't just say what is, but also make clear why it is. Read with thoughtfulness.

Leif Erlingsson:
Nazis (& alike) did not lose WW2 according to Charlotte Iserbyt - 'Skull & Bones'? see Movie 'Skull' - YouTube

Leif Erlingsson:
I came to the same conclusion some years ago. They just tactically withdrew from Germany.

Paulina Forslund:
The world is anti white. We have no rights, no hate crimes can be committed towards us.

Leif Erlingsson:
Can appear that way, but it's "Strategy of Tension" . For now, support "underdog". Later their turn.

I wonder how many people blocked me this week?

Leif Erlingsson:
Getting closer to the core of issues will irritate the open wounds, so the wounds are blocked/covered over with band-aid.

Leif Erlingsson:
Two days ago I for the first time here didn't gain any follower while loosing one.

Leif Erlingsson:
AND was blocked by same. Think I hit a nerve. Maybe his Lucifer is NT Jesus, I wonder?

Phoenix Trilogy:
Do you think they've maybe already made GMO humans that can survive this ecocide?

Leif Erlingsson:
Good intuit. There is an all out war on the natural, incl. humans, & we're tricked to infight. >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> Jews/Muslims, Pro Israel/Pro human rights Christians, Blacks/Whites, Immigrants/Natives, >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> Feminists vs. White Native, males and so on. It's not something that "just happened". >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> Part of the anti-human strategy. That we infight! "Strategy of Tension"

Leif Erlingsson:
Max Igan on how race issue is used as distraction from IMPORTANT issues:

Phoenix Trilogy:
Illuminati Card #315 - Lets You and Him Fight

Leif Erlingsson:
The whole concept that peoples needs stand against each other is flawed. In truth we have common interest.

Leif Erlingsson:
Jon Rappoport, The great open sky of imagination: for those who understand

American Revival:
Being honest may not get you a ton of friends but it'll get you the right ones.
A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie. - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Leif Erlingsson:
Every single ideology, religion etc. can be used to sow discord. As Varg Vikernes points out >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> "Remember Prussia" , when Christians have the power to kill all those >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> who stand in their way of world domination they do. Just like Judaism and Islam Christianity >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> is a religion propagating globalism and a complete destruction of all other religions. >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> All non-Christian religions, including our own Native European religion, are defined as >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> "Satanic" by them. Source: . The common denominator is Control vs. Life.

Leif Erlingsson:
My conclusion has for years been to learn from every tradition & religion but subscribe to none.

Leif Erlingsson:
Att TV/Radio skulle vara "Public Service" är dessutom (lagstödd) falsk marknadsföring. Bör heta Propagandaavgift.

Flower of Light:
Dont think of intelligence as verbal or textual logic. Think of intelligence as beautiful patterns of creativity.

Leif Erlingsson:
War on Humanity is Global.

Leif Erlingsson:
"Chippers" wanna keep us in THEIR single CONTROLLED reality. Cuz we have infinite potential!

This is the way they will form their robot armies police forces work force etc. & control thought patterns.

Leif Erlingsson:
the god Apsu (of fresh water) wanted to silence the younger gods who were disturbing the older gods with their racket

Leif Erlingsson:
This is the oldest conflict, between static control and infinite possibility; Life! It's really the conflict Death vs. Life!

Dr Simon R R Atkins:
Pt 1 of 3: Dr. S. Hawking is 1 of main pillars of the Establishment's corruption of physics. Hawking pushes Humanity away from consciousness

Dr Simon R R Atkins:
Pt 2 of 3: Theorizers such as Hawking are praised because he follows the Establishment's dis-information acts & cover-up's of true science.

Dr Simon R R Atkins:
Pt 3 of 3: Those who actively work to implement true physics for betterment of humanity are left destitute. But Now is a big tide of change.

Leif Erlingsson:
Samhällssekten vågar vägra ta debatten

Hadronic Chemistry, MagneHydrogen and Hy-Fuels Studied at International Workshop in India

"Maffian har kontakter inom alla EU-institutioner"

Revolution in Iceland Censored by Mainstream Media:

Gladio B: The Continuation of NATO's Clandestine Program - [Video]

Dags att rensa upp i träsket och inte bara med bondeoffer.

Juridisk maffia

Jonas är brottet - Magasinet Paragraf:

Agenda 21 For Dummies:

Woman Leaves Room Speechless: "I'm just a mom!" - One Of The Most Powerf...:

Serbia punkt se:
i Turkmenistan är bensin, gas, el, vatten och salt - gratis. Snälla USA,EU,NATO... rädda de stackarna... ni vet, bomber, demokrati, NGO...

Leif Erlingsson:
Trots den så kallade sanningsrörelsen så kommer sanningen nu fram.

Leif Erlingsson:
**YOU** ARE THE ENEMY. Watch Daphne Lee speak against the NDAA, "Woman Leaves Room Speechless"

Leif Erlingsson:
**DU** ÄR FIENDEN. Titta på Daphne Lee när hon talar mot den amerikanska NDAA lagen, som innebär krigslagar i USA.

Jai @NytFury:
"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials." -- George Mason, 1788

When we all have access to information, we are strong. When we are strong, we posses the power to do the impossible.

Occupy Humanity:
"All for one and one for all." (Alexandre Dumas)

Leif Erlingsson:
Mark Passio on secondary psychopathy. VERY important to understand, to understand our dilemma. 2013-08-30 00:31:55

Leif Erlingsson:
Mark Passio om sekundär psykopati. MYCKET viktigt att förstå, för att förstå vårt dilemma. 2013-08-30 00:31:55

Leif Erlingsson:
Lämna sekten! . Debattörer låtsas inte se eller höra, vägrar erkänna innebörden, låtsas inte förstå. Ämne: Fri Energi

Leif Erlingsson:
Låt "samhällskulten" bli en marginell sekt!

Leif Erlingsson:
Det håller på att göras olagligt att kritisera feminism. Första steget i den processen är att tysta kritiken.

Leif Erlingsson:
Wade Frazier: Personal integrity is the world's scarcest commodity . People tend to bet on it's absence. ...cont. >>

Leif Erlingsson:
... >> cont. ... But if you need it, you can't. Then you must keep an open mind about people. I do.

Leif Erlingsson:
Swedish lesson.
Informationskontrollorganisationerna =
The Information Control Organizations.
Quiz: What are such called in English?

Läs om det parasituppbyggda samhället på

Jon Rappoport:
Hope in the holiday season. Untold millions (billions?) of people across the world are waking up to official lies.

Leif Erlingsson:
"Why I Changed My Mind About Water Fluoridation" by Former Advocate John Colquhoun, Perspectives in Biology[...] 1997

Jon Rappoport:
The eternal sunshine of the mind-controlled classroom. #ADHD

Leo Zagami:

Leif Erlingsson:
Thanks for reposting this. I originally listened to this interview on 2012-09-19 at which time it had 438 views. Now relistening.

Leif Erlingsson:
One of many things Leo Zagami says is that the Jesuits are behind the Zionists. I.e. behind neo-Jacobins

Leif Erlingsson:
Another thing Leo Zagami says is that societies like Rosicrucians, Martinus etc recruit esoterically inclined Freemasons.

Leif Erlingsson:
So such societies become higher level, while Freemasons preferring to network for societal/commercial success remain lower level.

Leif Erlingsson:
Most important, Leo Zagami says once you are chipped, you can no longer break free. Me: You become part of The Machine/The System

Leif Erlingsson:
Mikael Wälivaara: "Råd till "nyvakna": Om intellektuella G-krafter"

Leif Erlingsson:
Matthew Delooze, "The Parable of Prinny the Pigeon | One Ball Media"

Leif Erlingsson:
Really about how people who follow programs only can be led on other paths as long as fed. Left to their own they return to program

Leif Erlingsson:
Which is why only truly independent thinkers really can make a difference. Which is why independent thinking is heavily discouraged

Leif Erlingsson:
Vad händer i ett samhälle där alla plötsligt börjar se klart? Där nånstans börjar den sociala revolutionen.

Leif Erlingsson:
Notera i min förra Re-Tweet att "man vill krossa SD". Inget att man vill lyssna på eller förstå, nej, krossa är det. Vill man bomba, också?

Leif Erlingsson:
Om någon händelsevis inte fattat, man försöker samma recept här som på Balkan, s.k. Balkanisering. Det misslyckas. För få bombare.

Jag förstår mig verkligen inte på folk som legitimerar våld från ena sidan. Är inte hot för en åsikt lika illa som hot för en hudfärg?!?

Carl Sagan's Two Warnings For Humanity In His Very Last Interview - You Might Want To Hear This:

Leif Erlingsson:
Vad händer i ett samhälle där alla plötsligt börjar se klart? Dr. Jan Stenis, Kristianstad, "Totalvägra att rösta!"

Leif Erlingsson:
William Henry - Mary the illuminator: Also see Mercy Seat on top of the Arc of the Covenant:

Leif Erlingsson:
Interesting comment by interviewer: we are children of pleasure, denial of pleasure = open gateway & turn darkside into evil ... >>

Leif Erlingsson:
>> evil = transformation of pleasure urge into death wish b/c pleasure also hurts & burns unprepared soul = soul w/o compassion

Nima Gholam Ali Pour:
Nu vill vänstern kasta ut mig från högskolan på grund av mina åsikter. Känns som om jag är tillbaka i Iran.

Jonathan Edwards:
I think the NWO started about 6000 years ago. There are indications it was a much different world before then.

Phoenix Trilogy:
I believe it. Check out my book blog, it's set in such times, it's kind of a parody, its YA lit. I went with 10,500+yrs tho

Jonathan Edwards:
It seems the rise of patriarchy roughly coincides with the rise of the current religions

Phoenix Trilogy:
This x'd with genetic manipulation theories was what made me come to that conclusion, its as if he knew [YouTube link to THE NEW ATLANTIS - FULL AudioBook by Sir Francis Bacon:]

Harold Saive:
Blaming Saudis For 9/11 Points Finger At Israel/US Neocons

Har överlag svårt att förstå mig på hängivenhet till gamla politiska ideologier, (oavsett vilken) finns ngt religiöst över det.

Christian Heidegger:
Tyvärr alla barn: Tomten har blivit sprängd till småbitar av ett amerikanskt drönarplan, nånstans över södra Jemen :(

Jon Rappoport:
Can we heal our differences?

PressTV: 9/11 truth vs. Takfiri terror

Leif Erlingsson:
Saudi Arabia + Israel DOWNFALL as US allies and EXPOSURE of their role in 9-11. Jean Haines blog is all in all SUPER INTERESTING.

Mathaba News:
Not a thing has changed. Newspaper Cartoons from 1912 explain everything happening today -

Dr Simon R R Atkins:
"If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it." -- Mark Twain

Leif Erlingsson:
Dags för en svensk sanningskommission! Gå in på länken, läs, och om du är av samma mening som mig i detta, signera!

Ventura Grassroots:
Breaking New Jesse Ventura announcement new TV Show

Leif Erlingsson:
I agree on everything you said in those 1 min, 37 secs, Gov. Ventura. Let's be vigilant citizens, and a Happy New Year.

Real Jews Burning The ZIONIST Flag

Leif Erlingsson:
"Tweet an opinion that people won't like and/or isn't mainstream." And without investigation they'll think you a nutjob.

Leif Erlingsson, Slutfundering, ej från Tweetsen::
Hur ska det gå för kollaboratörerna till sionismens idévärld?
( Idén fick jag från att lyssna på "Clif's Wujo: The Pen Island Conspiracy" )

Leif Erlingsson

@legenet på Twitter