Leif Erlingsson

Leif Erlingsson


Holistic Detective

Bruzaholm, Sweden · blog.lege.net


  1. Medlemmar av svensk media är så verklighetsfrånvända — kan inte ta "NATO förbereder krig mot Ryssland" på allvar

  2. Tills vi befriar oss från det inre fängelset kommer vår verklighet att förbli i gruppsinnessjukdom:

  3. Breakaway Multiple Time-line Civilization: . Until we free ourselves, our reality will remain in Group Level Insanity.

  4. Så länge vi misstolkar resultaten som orsaker kommer vi oundvikligen att avskärmas från djupare nivåer av förståelse

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    : School Board Meeting w/ Wolfgang Halbig & Jim Fetzer -Extraordinary Evidence For Extraordinary Hoax

  6. Alfred Webre 52m 30s: The NWO is an internal NWO. It is who is allowing their body & soul to be taken over & co-opted

  7. Breakaway Civilization = Multiple Time-line Civilization? But are the ruling power, fearing any truth but their own, preventing our access?

  8. Seems to me the meta-meme is total delegitimation of whole current media-political paradigm — preparing ground for something completely new.

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    Behöver vi yttrandefrihet, om vi inte har tankefrihet?

  10. Gen 1:1 was a typo, should've been Gen 1:2. Could easily have been eons of time between. ▷▷

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    First living thing with ‘alien’ DNA created in the lab: We are now officially playing God

  12. ▷▷ a RE-POPULATION POST a wasting of the Earth. No doubt by same powers that are at work today..

  13. Gen1:1 — to'-hoo va bo'-hoo — The Earth BECAME a waste and desolation. I.e., "Adam & Eve" was ▷▷

  14. The Sovereign Estate of Niceland — Velkommen til Ingunn Sigurdsdatters blogg — Ukas Blogg —

  15. I Ukraina avväpnar sig ofta Kiev-kuppregimens trupper till folket. Kommer D.C. regimens trupper att avväpna sig till nordamerikanska folket?

  16. Med krigslagar & juridiska finter maskerade som sociala reformer har nordamerikanerna registrerats som D.C.'s fiender

  17. Retweeted by

    Funerals being held today for victims in . has been covering this wonderfully. Thank you!

  18. Retweeted by

    My thoughts and prayers go to all of the families and friends and all else affected by .

  19. Rikspolischefen beklagar sig–telefoni- & internetlev följer EU-domstolens ogiltigförklarade av datalagringsdir

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    In other words nature tells us everything we need to know. We are after all a collection of molecules connected to other molecules.

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    Everything in nature functions in a connected way. Disconnect a single element and everything falls apart. That is what nature says

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    Either we all survive or no one survives. Thus we MUST connect to each other not divide from each other. That is wisdom.

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    Who knows? What is undeniable is that perceived self interest cannot be served unless it is in alignment with common interest! >

  24. . Question I ask myself is if I already did misuse power in another existence or life, and are now learning the cost of it....

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    Question I ask myself is if we found ourselves in position of power, would we also become corrupted or act honourably? Dont know!

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    Those in power have an uncontrollable desire to entrench and increase it for fear of losing it. Hence secret societies etc.

  27. Retweeted by

    The article summed up succinctly the old adage how power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  28. Thank you, . Prof. McMurtry was an important inspiration to me in 2005, when I read his "Value Wars"

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    "Reverse blame is always the US geostrategic game. “ We now understand the US formula for domination and it stinks. Great article.

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    Vänstern har mördat 100 miljoner ditt flarn Fascismen var ett försvar mot kommunismens massmord

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    Blir inte förvånad att män som förenar sig kan bli våldsamma. Men till skillnad från vänstern dödar nazister andra!

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    To stop participating in the program is the hardest thing to do. You lose all your programmed friends and family. Outcast. Unclean.

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    Me: I don't watch TV. Dude: Well how do you know what the hell is happening in the world? Me: I don't watch TV.

  34. Retweeted by

    Ung Vänsters kamrater RF: "Det övergripande målet är att avskaffa dagens samhällsordning genom revolution."

  35. .: "Är ni okej med med fejk bara det passar era åsikter?" Nej. Dessutom ett övergrepp att tvingas betala för statspropaganda.

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    En fråga. Hur viktig är sanningen i det ni läser/ser på TV för er? Är ni okej med med fejk bara det passar era åsikter?

  37. Retweeted by

    : Insider Says is Working with Central Bankers to RIG Stock Market Investments 100%

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    Drones will cause an upheaval of society like we haven’t seen in 700 years

  39. Just in case you haven’t been keeping up with ‘tin-foil’ hat conspiracies – 132 Nations Want Out of Cabal Banking Sys

  40. Of course the people don't want to belong to a destroyed state. Heck, I don't want to belong to the state here...

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    “Global Society Destruction” and The Ukraine Crisis: Decoding its Deep Structural Meaning via

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    Svenska domstolar har sedan 1995 undvikit att följa delar av EU-lagstiftningen.

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    "Därmed avtalade polis och åklagare bort de tilltalades möjlighet att försvara sig mot det okända" | Dagens Juridik

  44. Daniel Estulin — Brillante programa sobre cómo el tráfico internacional de drogas está controlado por ▷ los bancos ◁

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    Australia rejected petition 2 consider taking white refugees from SA White Genocide on minority in SA -did you know?

  46. Retweeted by

    Nej, snarare något som skulle passa i Asimovs robotromaner.

  47. Retweeted by

    Jag är emot allt som alla tycker är dåligt. Även sånt jag inte tänkt på. Är jag nu en god människa?

  48. Retweeted by

    Jag som e rasist/nationalist skrattade typ -97 när jag söp med nationalister som skulle till SA för "skydda vita från folkmord

  49. Retweeted by

    I låtsaslandet Sverige så får man vara rasist och hata människor pga. hudfärg så länge man kallar sig rasifierad. ping

  50. In this video — — high profile Zionists are quoted. (Only) Jews are a people, proved by DNA (No other peoples exist).

  51. Michigan Rabbi to white interests: "Your day is gone [...] Someone from the Jewish Special Forces will take you out"

  52. April 16 Ukrainian military moving into Sloviansk — focal pt of pro-Russian forces — gave up their equipment

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    Time to go to war with Israel as the only path to peace in the Middle East: 'Legitimacy war', combining the mo...

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    Big to for sending me this video: PROCLAMATION TO THE WORLD !!! THE DAWNING OF THE ANTI-CHRIST !!!

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  56. Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America - Pt 2: . It is higher abstract thinking that is intentionally blocked.

  57. Charlotte Iserbyt was part of setting up current "higher" U.S. education system. The Miseducation of America - Pt 1:

  58. Nazis (& alike) did not lose WW2 according to Charlotte Iserbyt - 'Skull & Bones'? see Movie 'Skull'

  59. Nazis (& alike) did not lose WW2 according to Charlotte Iserbyt - 'Skull & Bones'? see Movie 'Skull'

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    Men sluta nu.Det SD menar är att det är bra att man tar avstånd från extremism, och han sa högerextremism som exempel

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    Skönt att kräket Åkesson bekänner färg - Våldsvänstern är bra så länge SD inte drabbas. Revolutionära Fronten

  63. Retweeted by

    Faktiskt belysande hur vissa feminister är helt ovetande om sitt hyckleri. Det blir lyteskomik av feminismen

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    Dagens radikalfeminister är vänster när det gäller kvinnors rättigheter men extremhöger när det gäller nästan allt annat.

  65. Retweeted by

    Feminismen har bytt ut ord som rashygien med mentalhygien men kontentan är densamma.

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    Det är mind games de håller på med. Som Estulin påpekade är vi utsatta för ett gigantiskt mind fuck från elitens sida. Vedervärdigt

  67. Retweeted by

    Varning: Partiledardebatt om 20 min. Rekommenderar samtliga att hålla TV:n avstängd och läsa en bra bok istället.

  68. Piratpartiet fick över 7 % i EU-valet 2009 och har två mandat i Europaparlamentet men SVT har en annan Agenda

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    I know, and we saw it when Wall Street/jewish bankers financed the bloodshed and atrocities commited by the bolsjeviks

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    Christian, i said nothing about Putin. Russia has always been the endgame 4 the elite. 2 control the world elite must control Russia

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    We are some rebels in Sweden who see thru the lies n' deceptions. But to be honest: Putin is not much better then Obama/Bildt

  72. And how some people are much more mind controlled by alternative versions than most people are by the official fairy tale.

  73. At 51 min discuss how even alternative media trigger emotional reactions due to unresolved trauma even this many years later.

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  76. I just finished reading the ill-reputed protocols written in 1800's. It's there, already. Used to make humans self-betray.

  77. I'm not surprised, but didn't know. I've had your "The True Story of The Bilderberg Group" since 2008-03-04.

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    I find it interesting that he studied at Irvine. My research path crosses over once again...

  79. RT : Exactly, and how ppl's dissociative minds are kept in place by their agent spouses, I'm sure

  80. I think you must have tweeted this in reply to which I temp. removed to correct spelling error.

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    Exactly, and how ppl's dissociative minds are kept in place by their agent spouses, I'm sure

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    Same principle on the macrocosm is happening on the microcosm

  83. Saturation with info overload without tools to consciously process also explain Tavistock-Sweden, see my Twitter TL.

  84. He says our conscious minds were saturated with info overload of info we could not consciously process, so -▻subconscious=MC.

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    U r supposed to be Sweden's most popular military analyst? U r a fucking cretin! Remember the Reichstag fire idiot!

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    give me facts.... First. Putins people could burn its own people just to get an oportunity to invade

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    sweden is a prototype of a society. A living example that the elite's plan for control works.

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    Kremlin says it is weighing response to ‘thousands’ of pleas for help via

  90. Efter att man har bytt varumärken med varandra upprepar sig historien?

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    Historien upprepar sig. Tyskland 1923:

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    US has "170,500 metric tons of gold on deposit in Bank of Hawaii to underpin our currency which is about to crash."  

  93. "Se upp med dom som tror sig veta sämre - hukandets horder" - Kjell Alinge 2006-02-24 00:41:50 på mailinglistan Mediekritik, till LegeNet.

  94. Genom att etablissemagets försvarare förhindrat seriös dialog så har den politiska grunden av dem själva lagts.

  95. Well, I'm sure you read Swedish better than I read Dutch. But I do read English. :)

  96. What might confuse some people is when one completely ignore political discourse for going directly to root causes.

  97. Try . The meaning is unfortunately not always preserved. Instead often reversed. Cut-paste to translate.

  98. Det som kanske kan verka förvirrande för vissa är när man helt ignorerar den politiska diskursen för att gå direkt på orsakerna.

  99. Jag har märkt att de flesta starkt ogillar de som förstår sånt de själva inte förstår. "Truth cannot be told, it must be realized" -Max Igan